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Ring Lock Sysem

Ring Lock System

Ringlock scaffolding system is a versatile modular scaffold system mainly used for industrial construction. Each ring lock scaffolding system part has fixed linking points and fixed size and can join each other easily, quickly, and safely.


  • Access Standards
  • Ledgers
  • Braces
  • Hop Up Bracket
  • Rosette
  • Base Collar
  • Stairs
  • Base and Head Jacks
  • Lattice Girder
Ringlock system can be used for all shapes of structures and construction. It is used for circular, curved, straight, rectangle, square, or any specially shaped structures. It is also applied in mobile and independent scaffolding towers.
It consisting of prefabricated parts of access standards, starters (base collars), ledgers, diagonal braces, truss ledgers, scaffold transoms, brackets, base jacks, scaffold planks, stairs, head jacks, lattice girder, etc.

Component Details

Ring Lock System-Access Standard 1
Ring Lock System-Access Standard 2

Steel tubes with rosettes at every 500mm distance and with Spigot. For small holes in the rosette determine right angled connections for larger holes permit connections at any angles.

The ledger is used to connect the standard in a diagonal direction. It is made from scaffold tube fixing at each end which fits in the rosette holes on the standard.

The brace is used to connect the standard in a horizontal direction. It is made from scaffold tube fixing at each end which fits in the rosette holes on the standard.

Ring Lock System-Rosette

Weight of a single rosette component used for Ringlock system is 0.520 kg.